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Still have coral questions? Comment them below and we can get them answered!

Feel free to comment on this post or create your own thread. Thanks for your interest in Coral Reef Day!

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Jun 15, 2020

Thank you for the thoughtful questions!

From @rwelchans we have the question: Can damaged coral reefs be saved?

  • Efforts to repair and preserve coral reefs are underway globally! While there are useful approaches to repairing coral reefs such as transplanting coral fragments to damaged reefs, the main factor damaging corals is climate change. Climate change causes ocean acidification, warming ocean temperatures, and increased intensity and frequency of tropical storms. These all harm coral reefs, and measures should be taken to reduce the impact humans have on coral reefs. To see more about this, visit the "Extra Resources" Tab!

From @irish311 we have the question: How can we know if sunscreens and lotions are reef safe, and are they widely available?


Connie Greenleaf
Connie Greenleaf
Jun 11, 2020

I learned so much from all the pieces of this presentation. It is visually so pleasing and inviting and the information and speakers are of the highest quality. Congratulations on such fine research and presentation!


Jun 01, 2020

Coral-safe sunscreen - is this something that is widely available? Is there an easy way to know if the regular lotion we buy (Coppertone, Hawaiian Tropic, Neutrogena, etc) is safe?


Jun 01, 2020

I am learning a lot of great information from this site. I do wonder if a coral reef is damaged, can it be brought back to life? How successful is this happening? Thank You.

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